Camp Board
We would like to acknowledge the many years of faithful service of Norman Fields who met his Lord and Savior in person on December 25, 2024.
Chris Gilbert, Chair
I grew up in the Wallens Creek Covenant Church and started attending camp long before I was camper age because I had an aunt who was deeply committed to the camp's ministry. She took me along with her when she went to help in the kitchen or whatever else needed doing. As soon as I was old enough I started working as a counselor, song leader, pianist, or whatever else.
After I graduated from high school, I attended Covenant Bible College in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Following that, I attended a local community college and then transferred to Radford University from which I graduated with a B.A. in Recreation Administration. Most of my work experience has been in the retail field, but I keep trying to plug in my Rec. degree and coming back to camp.
I've seen so many lives enriched by learning that God loves them and has a plan for them. I've seen young people, and not so young ones as well, make commitments to serve Him. In the last few years it has been a particular privilege to be part of being a sanctuary for children in need of a place of comfort and safety. I consider it a great blessing and honor to be allowed to take part in the work of CMMBC.
Alane Barker, Vice Chair & Secretary
I grew up in the Wallens Creek area of Jonesville. I currently live here with my husband, Richie, and children, Gunnar and Gage. We attend Wallens Creek Covenant Church.
I have a B.S. and M.Ed in Education from Lincoln Memorial University. I have worked as an Elementary Teacher for more than 20 years in Grades 1-4, and attended and worked at CMMBC for more than 35 years.
I enjoy community theatre, devotional readings, swimming, and going to the park with my little boy.
I started attending CMMBC as a camper when I was 9 years old after my friend Stephanie invited me to come to VBS at Wallens Creek Covenant Church. At that time, the missionaries - Miss Winnie and Miss Naomi would pick children up in their community in their VW Van. During the transportation trips, the missionaries talked to me about attending CMMBC. I decided to go that year and it's been such an important part of my life ever since. I have worked at CMMBC in various roles through the past 35 years (camper, counselor, mission speaker, cabin inspector, worship leader, camp director, camp caretaker). I was even engaged and married here Now I get to see the love of camp through my childrens' eyes.... and it overjoys my heart.
CMMBC is my favorite place on Earth! I've seen God at work in so many ways. It's difficult for me to summarize the kind of impact the ministry of CMMBC has had on my life in just a couple short paragraphs, but in a nutshell, it would be fair to say that I wouldn't be the person I am if not for the things God did in my life through the camp. God used CMMBC to reach me and completely change my life. I've seen campers give their hearts to the Lord, rededicate their lives, and make decisions to enter into full-time ministry. I've seen rocky sibling relationships restored. I've seen God move in every day activities...... when it seemed things weren't going to go as planned but He made a way. GOD is GOOD!
Norma Miles, Treasurer
As a member of the Wallens Creek Covenant Church, my first experience with the CMMBC was to volunteer with the Covenant Women to take food to camp once a week. We also donated fresh vegetables from our gardens.
While attending a Women’s Retreat at Mission Meadows, Donna Larson invited me to join a mission team going to Honduras. We taught 25 women small business management and visited several church services and a baptism. I had never seen people dance in church before.
I have an associate degree from Mtn. Empire Community College in Business and Management. I worked for a CPA for several years and have been treasurer for the church and the Bible camp. I have held many roles at CMMBC: camper parent and grandparent, board member, treasurer, cook, dish washer and many other things.
As a board member, I pray that the camp will continue to be a blessing for many work teams and youth in the future. Love one another. John 13: 34
Cindy Laws, Director
My earliest times going to the Covenant were Thursday nights at the parsonage. It was there that the pastor's wife helped all us kids to start a savings plan to attend Bible camp the next summer. I began attending CMMBC when I was 10 and went every summer until I was 20. I have been camper, kitchen helper, and tent counselor. After that first year at camp, I began attending Wallen's Creek Covenant. We had a very active youth group involved in lots of different things. Miss Winnie and Miss Naomi, the Vernon Luitens, the Walt Andersons were big influences in my life. They kept us hopping and growing in Christ. I heard a call to do God's work in missions but I ignored and ran from it.
I attended college, got my degree in Chemistry, got married, became a teacher and taught high school math and chemistry over the next portion of my life. Moved to my husband's church where I used all the skills from years of camping, Bible schools and church. I've helped at camp over the years and have always felt God's call on my heart.
Growing up on a farm and having a jack of all trades father and mother, I have many skills that range from sewing to cooking to minor mechanical and electrical issues to wood working to animal husbandry. And although not a great singer, I love to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Now that I'm retired, I want to finally answer God's call, specifically at CMMBC. I'm excited and humbled that He was waiting for me to say yes. And that He is allowing me the chance to be involved at camp.
His Will be done.
Robin Marcum, Community Member
I am a native Lee Countian. I have one son, Joseph Wilder, who resides in Radford, VA with his wife, Marissa, and my grandson, Noah.
I received a BS degree from Radford University and have finished more than 35 years of teaching at Elk Knob Elementary.
I enjoy reading and watching VA Tech sports. I am a member at Jonesville First Baptist.
I first came to CMMBC when I attended an outdoor Christian concert and later when my son attended camp. I am honored to have served as a Community Representative for 10 years on the board.
I delight in volunteering and interacting with the younger children during camp season. It's exciting to see how God has provided for CMMBC, and I'm looking forward to see what God has in store for the future.
Jennifer McElroy, Community Member
I am a lifelong resident of Wallens Creek. I received an Associates Degree from Mountain Empire Community College and a Bachelor’s Degree from The University of Virginia’s College at Wise. I have taught kindergarten at Elk Knob Elementary for fifteen plus years.
I enjoy community theatre, traveling, photography, spending time with family, friends, and my boyfriend. I attend First Baptist Church in Pennington Gap and enjoy working with the children’s ministries there.
CMMBC has always had a special place in my heart. Many family members including my mother attended and worked at camp long before I did. I began attending camp as a camper at the young age of 9 years old and attended until I was a senior in high school. I then served as a counselor for several years. I have also served as cabin inspector, Bible quiz lady, camp photographer, group leader and more.
I have served on the CMMBC board for many years now in the roles of youth representative, chairman and secretary and currently serve as a community representative.
The 30 plus summers that I have spent at CMMBC have been some of the best! I cannot began to count all of the people I have become friends with and the number of individuals whom I have watched grow up over the summers spent there. It has been amazing to see the number of individuals who have been saved or rededicated their life at CMMBC. God is always in this place and it has been said many times over the year that CMMBC is truly “God’s camp”! It’s been a blessing to see how God has blessed and provided for the camp over the years. I’m so thankful for God sending the missionaries to Horse Holler all those years ago. It was just the beginning of many blessings God would provide at a mission camp in the mountains of Virginia!