Serve on a Work Team

We appreciate your interest in sponsoring a work team at Covenant Mountain Mission Bible Camp. CMMBC thrives through the generosity of God's people. We rely upon the church to provide workers and funding to maintain and improve our facilities. Work teams are welcome anytime that camp is not in session.
The staffing needs vary significantly from team-to-team and are affected by the scope of the project(s) and the ages of the participants. Team size can vary from 2-45. We encourage entire families to join mission teams, as long as attention is given to the care of any small children. Identifying team members to fill the following roles is recommended.
•Project supervisor(s)
•First aid or nurse
•Meal preparation and cleanup
•Director of chapel/devotion times
•Adult supervision for free time and night-time for youth members of the team
A church who sponsors a project work team at CMMBC needs to consider the cost of supporting the mission trip.
•food (15 dollars per day per person if prepared by CMMBC staff or 10 dollars per day per person if CMMBC staff purchases and your team prepares the food)
•materials and supplies for project(s)
We encourage the mission teams to support local small businesses when purchasing supplies. To assure that you will have what you need, ordering supplies in advance of your team’s arrival is recommended. Keep in mind that the nearest chain store retailer is more than 1 hour away from the camp and that small business are closed after 5 PM daily, noon on Saturday and all day on Sunday.
Please take time to develop relationships among your team members prior to arriving at CMMBC. Identify spiritual leader(s), project supervisors and groups of workers as soon as possible. We encourage them to form small groups for Bible study to facilitate spiritual growth prior to and during your team’s mission trip
Provide adequate adult supervision for youth. We have found that one adult for 6 high school aged or 4 middle school aged young people is typically adequate.
Each sponsoring church is responsible for assuring the safety of their teams. Please have medical information sheets, including allergies and insurance information, for each team member prior to your arrival. Individuals under age 18 must also have parental consent forms, and those over 18 must complete volunteer applications (including background check). Most churches have existing processes and forms in place, but do not hesitate to contact us if you need example forms.
The projects at CMMBC vary based upon the skills of your mission team members. CMMBC staff, the mission team leader and project supervisor(s) will work together to identify suitable projects for the team. The cost of materials for a project, and your team’s ability to raise financial support, will be an additional consideration.
•window replacement
•grounds-keeping / landscaping
•general maintenance
•cleaning / organization
•furniture refinishing
•heating / air-conditioning maintenance